
Showing posts from March, 2017

The 2nd Alliance National Level Moot Court Competition 2017

Last date of internal application for the challengers of the above moot : 22th March 2017 (mai l to Date of challenger : 23th March 2017 The format of mail should be: "Name of the moot. Speaker 1-Name, Course, Year CGPA 'Moot'  Achievements. Speaker 2-Name, Course, Year CGPA 'Moot'  Achievements. Researcher -Name, Course, Year CGPA 'Moot'  Achievements. This moot is open for all.


The selection for the above moot will on the basis of your ranking in the XIth Internal Moot court competition and is open only to the participants of the XIth Internal Moot court competition.  The format of mail should be: "Name of the competition". a.Speaker 1-Name, Course, Year                        Rank in 11th Intenal Moot court competition b.  Speaker 2-Name, Course, Year                         Rank in 11th Internal Moot court competition c. Researcher -  Name, Course, Year                              Rank in 11th Internal Moot court competition d. Average Team Rank (sum total of the three ranks / 3)  the teams whose moot has been canceled can also apply for the same.                 ...

ICFAI’s 2nd NJ Yasaswy Memorial Constitutional Law Moot 2017 [April 14-15, Dehradun]

Last date of internal application for the challengers of the above moot : 12th March 2017 (mai l to Date of challenger : 15th March 2017 The format of mail should be: "Name of the moot. Speaker 1-Name, Course, Year CGPA 'Moot'  Achievements. Speaker 2-Name, Course, Year CGPA 'Moot'  Achievements. Researcher -Name, Course, Year CGPA 'Moot'  Achievements. This moot is open for all.

Lovely Professional University’s 1st Legal Plaidoiries 2017

Last date of internal application for the challengers of the above moot : 12th March 2017 (mai l to Date of challenger : 14th March 2017 The format of mail should be: "Name of the moot. Speaker 1-Name, Course, Year CGPA 'Moot'  Achievements. Speaker 2-Name, Course, Year CGPA 'Moot'  Achievements. Researcher -Name, Course, Year CGPA 'Moot'  Achievements. This moot is open for all.